Hello… greetings… check, check, check… 1… 2… 1….. 2…….
We here in lauraland would like to formally and graciously welcome you to this here blog of ours, appropriately dubbed ‘what laura says thinks and feels’ in loving remembrance of who WE are.
Please find this space to contain the MOST official and up-to-the-date information on the band; including, but not limited to: personal health, horoscopes, tour dates, recipes, recordings, pict-o-grams, brain teasers and riddles, vids, shout-outs, jeers, and other anecdotes. In other words, this is yours as much as it is ours!
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At this point, we’d like to shift focus to the moment at hand… spring touring with Annuals and The Most Serene Republic!
Ahh the great stink of the open road. It seems too long since we’ve strolled along the great American highways aimfully in search of stages and free beers, but today sees us off in grand perfect-weather highfives for a month-long jaunt. First stop is good ol’ Motown, Michigan; which, as I’m typing this along the good ol’ interstate 17 about 100 miles south of flagstaff, seems years away. No worries, however, when you got a vanfull of good spirits and toddies, speakers blarin’ the kings and the stones (in no particular order), and a playstation hooked up and functioning… we’ll be there in a day or 2, ready to rock the motor-city faces. The last time we took a trip to Michigan, in a January, our van’s digital thermometer froze at negative 9, so fingers crossed this go-around will be more pleasant in terms of body warmth. So far, so good…
(To pass the time with grace)
3 issues of rolling stone
22 crossword puzzles
“Naked Lunch” by William s. Burroughs
“Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse
1.5 bags of peach rings
1 melodica
1 box of colored pencils
1 organically recycled no preservatives sketch book (thanks heather!)
“Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” by Hunter Thompson
3 bottles of O.J.
1 bottle of Chinese ginseng extract
2 bottles of Kava Kava extract
… More updates and tales to be told from our travels and from our minds, frequently. Want to know? Please ask!
Bonjour et au revoir pour le moment plus tard, aime!
~ lauras