Touring season is finally upon us! We fueled up Hair Force One, checked the tires and hit it.
Tom says 34 hours 32 minutes to Grand Rapids MI, where we'll politely cavort with some kinfolk before trekking to Pontiac for the first show of this Annuals/The Most Serene Republic shindigger.
So far it's been a lot of this...
...and this...
...and everyone's favourite past-time, shutting up...
So, needless to say, it's quiet...
Tony, our Tour Manager (pronounced 'tOOr • gAwd*) would like me to note that thusfar the snacks have been of decent portions...
...and let's not forget the dancers...
'whoomp there it is' indeed.....
3rd photo from the bottom = comedy gold (the only thing missing is a puddle of drool). i hope the eyeglasses survived that delicious nap!