We are very happy to join you today from the rugged-dusty-sunny streets of Little Rock, during a right fine survey of the southwest. As the end of this first leg (yes, we term lengths of tourism in terms of appendages) draws ever-so near, we here at laura have finally been given to a very necessary deep breath, and in doing so, have found ourselves in a state of reflect.
Traversing the Midwest, out-west, Pacific Northwest, West Coast, and southwest has left quite a taste in the collective mouths – not just of we six, but us nineteen – as well as a picture in the mind! Traveling entertainment can be a tricky, not to mention tacky, situation… so it is with great relief to have stumbled upon one which all at once encompasses new and old friendships, life lessons and.. well... great entertainment! But lets focus for a moment on the fondest recollections from the band in the green van:
J-Cub: The west coast really does it for me, and the IT i’m referring to is totally getting done. New and old friendships be flarin’ up like desert wildfires. And so it is with fires, this one too was put to control by hometown slip ‘n’ slides. Houston came through as the unexpected success of the tour so far. Radiohead b-sides keep me going all the way through Tejas.
Mitch: ... and Tejava! I’ve not been prone to cross-dressing up to this point in my life, but a trip to an old-timey photo booth amongst the utter consumerism muck that is Mall of America was certainly a moment… I ended up as the prudish school teacher front and center, proof coming soon! I also had the opportunity (read: we snuck in) to view THE most amazing concert of my adult life: Flying Lotus, featuring Ravi Coltrane, etc. at the Echoplex in Los Angeles... Galaxy in Janaki, indeed! Tacozone for life!
James: I’m having trouble recalling the past two weeks….AHH! wait… my mind jumps to Bus Driver Danny’s slalom through the Redwood forests of Northern California.. most lovely. Star Wars-esque. Oh my.
Greg: Yes! Northern California and it’s redwoods in the summertime was quite a thrill! Bathing in a forest mountain stream one minute and running on an ocean beach the next... California, you’re the tops!!! Yes, even you L.A..
Danny: The most touching moments for me are the first moments a great city skyline becomes visible through our great green windows of our great green van.
Tony: HA…welcome to the Tone Zone! A stunningly witty phrase coined by the intelligent mess that is the rest of this tour party. One knows that he/she has entered the said zone when an overwhelming feeling of relaxed easy-ness has encompassed the immediate crowd. “No worries man…you’ve entered the Tone Zone!” People…it is truly all about the people!
Thank you, thank you… that was quite an exhilarating look back to say the least. More pics, more about the fantastical ‘Texas’ and fin de cette partie to come!
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